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Xbox One March 2016 System Updates Rolls Out

Microsoft release the first big update for Xbox One in 2016.


Today Microsoft has released the latest updated to the XBox One.  One of the standout features is the ability to download Xbox 360 games right on the Xbox One further pushing the capabilities of backwards compatibility. Previously if you wanted to download Xbox 360 games on Xbox One you had to do it through the website and then it would show up in the “ready to download” section of My Games and Apps. Now you can grab the games directly within the Xbox One itself.  If want to see how well Xbox 360 games play on  the Xbox One check out the video below.

Also added to the latest updated is the ability to have a 16 person party chat, view  links and YouTube videos from the activity feed, Xbox 360 achievements will now show up in the activity feed and more. To see the full list check out he links below. If you need to know how to updated your Xbox One to grab all these features. See our video here.

Source: Major Nelson’s Blog (1) (2)

About the author

Chuey Okoye

I'm an avid gamer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not playing League of Legends you can find me catching up on the latest tech and hanging with some good friends


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