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TYLT Energi 5K+ Battery Pack Review

TYLT Energi 5K+
The Energi 5K+ from TYLT is the best battery pack charger for the on the go iPhone and android user. See why in our review!

The TLYT Energi 5k+ battery pack is a portable charger for the on the go folks that need that extra battery juice to power their devices. The Energi 5K+ battery pack comes with 5200 mAH of battery power which is enough to charge most smartphone at least twice if needed during the day. The Energi 5K+ takes about 5-6 hours to fully charge from being completely drained so you will want to leave it on the charger overnight to get full before going on a long trip

For connections there is a full USB port and two cables, one micro USB and the other a Lighting port for the iPhone 5, iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. The Energi 5K+ supports up to 3 devices to be charged at once with 3 amps available and 1 amp per cable and port.

I found that it took about an hour from my smartphone being dead to around 40% battery power and about 2 hours for it to fully charge. I like that it’s portable enough that it could fit in your pocket without making it too bulking and you could carry it in a backpack or purse (for the ladies out there) and it will travel well. So I’m giving the thumbs up here for the TYLT Energi 5k+ and if you want to know more info be sure to watch the video below. As far as pricing you can find it on Amazon for around $89.99 currently. The TLYLT Energi 5K+ battery pack is my portable battery charger of choice especially if you are an iPhone AND android user!





About the author

Chuey Okoye

I'm an avid gamer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not playing League of Legends you can find me catching up on the latest tech and hanging with some good friends


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