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Google Buys HTC’s Pixel Division

Google is buying the Pixel team from HTC and licensing to their intellectual property.

Google Buys The Pixel Team From HTC

Today Google and HTC have entered a cooperation agreement which some HTC employees who were working on the Pixel will now move on to join Google.  HTC will also receive $1.1 billion in cash from Google in exchange for a non-exclusive license agreement to HTC’s intellectual property.

This agreement will allow HTC to continue to make smartphones under their name and commit more to the VR ecosystem with the VIVE. Google will gain the entire Pixel team and the intellectual property they need to continue to support that team. It’s been a long rumor merge of some kind between the two companies. HTC has been struggling as of late in the smartphone business and to spin that off into Google will allow them to focus more in the VR space while continuing to make smartphone products but probably much less than they did before.  For Google this allows them to commit even more to the Pixel brand. The Pixel last year gain a lot of momentum and it would be wise for Google push even further to gain more space in that market.  The deal is expected to be official by early 2018.

For Google this allows them to commit even more to the Pixel brand. The Pixel last year gain a lot of momentum and it would be wise for Google push even further to gain more space in that market.  The deal is expected to be official by early 2018.

Google and HTC have a close history together since the first Android smartphone the T-Mobile G1 created by HTC and also Nexus devices such as the Nexus One and Nexus 9 tablet. They also most recently made the Pixel and rumored (all but confirmed) in making the Pixel 2.

The deal is expected to be official by early 2018.


About the author

Warren Bowman

I have a deep passion for everything tech. From gadgets to gaming I get it all and love giving my opinions, reviews and analysis on all things tech. Live Your Tech World In High Definition!


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